Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This week is VBS - Outrigger Island. It has been a smooth week so far! I think the biggest (and by biggest I mean nerve-wracking) day was Monday, and everything is a little easier now that I know what to expect. We had about 35 kids originally signed up for VBS, and we have had about 53 kids each day so far...where did they come from? :) They are too cute - it really has been fun. Here are some pics from the week so far.

Rose, who works in the church office, and I are a kind of proud of the "Outrigger Island" banner we made. OK really I had nothing to do with it except help paint it. She drew the logo perfectly!

4 year olds swinging a stick at a pinata... that was a scary moment.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I just came across these pictures from Easter this year. It was very pretty, so I thought I'd post it. This was from First Baptist's Easter Sunrise Service at the Battery.