I don't know what is going on lately, but I am in some kind of funk. Which is weird because nothing is going wrong. Things are actually really good. I'm excited about starting the new job. Just finished orientation today and now I'm ready to actually get in there and start doing some stuff! Everything else is really good... spending time with the people I love ALL THE TIME. Fun trips, fun nights, fun days, meaningful job. I am constantly grateful for the relationships all around me.
But, in the middle of all of this goodness, I am so skeptical. That is the one word I have been using to describe this 'condition,' or whatever you want to call it. It all boils down to spirituality and my relationship with Christ. I will always have a relationship with Him, but I have been ignoring it lately. I *hate* admitting that, but it's not like I'm going to pretend like it's normal when it's not. I despise being fake about God or trying to put on a good act.
I feel like Satan is tempting me and I am not doing anything about it... and I do not know why. I am skeptical about everything I read or hear about Christ (outside of the Bible). I am so judgemental of others - and how can I be judgemental EVER - ESPECIALLY when I'm in such a funk? I doubt churches and the reasons behind the things they do, I doubt some leaders that I know of (not where I attend), I doubt the kind of teaching I hear - not that I think anything wrong is being taught where I attend, but I am skeptical of different methods of teaching sometimes - which leads me to be really slack about listening. So when I could be hearing a great message, instead I'm trying to find something to pick-apart. That just isn't like me, I don't think. I doubt others' motives, constantly. I doubt the way some people 'do ministry' (which is such a typical modern religious term that I didn't know how to avoid just now, sorry). It's insane. I think I know some deeper places where this stems from - and in some ways, being skeptical is not always bad... but it has become more of a judgemental kind of thing, which is NOT good. It is keeping me from my own relationship with Christ and from trusting others who could otherwise be supporting my growth.
Or is it? Should I be skeptical of these things? Is there a fine line between being just skeptical enough and then going overboard and hindering my relationship with Christ? What should I be skeptical of?
Either way, I'm sure that God can bring good out of this season. I'm just ready to be in the next stage. I want to be SURE and I want to KNOW what to do.
I certainly have these desires to know more about Christ and way more about the Bible... but when I think about it, I get SO extremely overwhelmed and do not know where to even begin. I know I do not have the background knowledge to understand so many things in the Bible. I know there are books I can get and ways to study, but it's like I will not take the time to do any of that. Maybe it IS because I've been SO busy with the 'good' things in life. I really want to take Bible classes, and I have thought about signing up for some once I am settled in my new job... but am I supposed to wait until then to grow and learn? I'm sure I'm not. But in the meantime, I cannot, for the life of me, get motivated.
I don't even journal and pray like I used to. Every once in a while I journal, and I still pray every day, but not nearly as much as before. The closeness is not there right now, and I HATE that.
Why does it take a catastrophe to jump-start spiritual growth? It doesn't *have* to happen that way, does it? I hope not... but at the same time, if that is what it takes... am I open to that? Not that I would ask for something terrible to happen... but I do want lots of growth. And I do realize that sometimes growth comes through struggles. Ugh, I don't know.
Am I supposed to take practical steps for this? Am I supposed to force myself to read the Bible, even when I'm not paying very good attention? I know I can set aside more time to journal and pray, and I will do that... but for some reason, I hesitate at God's Word - I KNOW how terrible that sounds, yet I still do it. Because I am so frustrated that I will NOT understand it all. That's a huge part of it. So what to do?
As I'm typing, ideas come to mind... like maybe I will start focusing on passages that I already know and love. Psalm 139, James, some Philippians... maybe I will give that a try and just see if I can just focus on what I DO know and be reminded of THOSE promises... how could I not get closer to God if I am focusing on His Word?
Maybe typing this out was therapeutic. Who knows. If you read this and you pray, I'd love for someone else to pray for me about this. It is such a frustrating place. And, I truly do want God to do with my life what is BEST for Him... I know struggling is a part of everyone's life, and I know this is only a moment in time. But, I'd LOVE to get through it and get closer to Him.
Ugh - frustrating but honest.
Being skeptical of others and their walk and how they do ministry is human nature. I think if we start off being skeptical before we know the person and their motives, then we need to examine whether it's our own personal problem. But in some cases, we know the person and we know that what we see "acted out" in the ministry is not what's going on behind closed doors. In that case, God tells us to be skeptical because they can lead us astray. I struggle with the word sometimes to. I feel like I have to be in a bible study to be "studying" and I can't find a way around that mentality. I want to tremble like frances Chan says we should. I'll pray for you if you pray for me:) We'll catch up this weekend!