Sunday, August 29, 2010

2nd Birthday

Tomorrow, someone special to me is celebrating their 2nd Birthday! Not a regular birthday, but a day to recognize 2 years of sobriety. Since it's called Alcoholics ANONYMOUS, I guess I won't give the person's name. If you know me well, then you know who it is, and I'm sure he doesn't mind anyone knowing anyway. In fact, he loves to share his story.

I can't even properly express how proud I am of this person. He's always been a loving, funny, caring person. Thankfully, alcoholism didn't take these perfect qualities away from him... and again, thankfully, sobriety didn't change these characteristics either. He is still the same, hilarious, goofy, sweet, sarcastic person I knew before. But now, he actually cares about his own life and what his purpose in life is. He has been able to look at life clearly, and not just live life day-to-day with the same routine of work, home, drink, recover, work, drink, home, drink, recover, etc... with the ocassional desire to change but never really doing anything about it.

Now, he is so thoughtful about what he is doing, how he is treating people, the decisions he is making... and coincidentally, things in his life seem to be much smoother than they were before. He shows up to get-togethers actually wanting to be there and wanting to spend time with family and friends.

I am SO glad that he came to the decision to make this change in his life. He will admit that it wasn't easy - but he will also admit that making the change was SO much better than he ever thought it would be. While he was in that cloud of drinking (to forget, to get through something, to relax, whatever his reasons), he couldn't imagine giving it up completely - how lame, how dumb, what was wrong with getting drunk anyway, it's not like he was a raging alcoholic...any excuse he could think of, I'm sure - he couldn't see the real benefits of quitting compeltely. I think it sounded like more work to him than it should be, or that it couldn't be 'that much better.' But, he found out in little time that it was the best thing for him. It cleared his mind and heart, it allowed him to actually deal with the issues that were deep inside, and it helped him to forgive (others, himself, whoever) and to look to God to show him how to live.

You can tell how much happier he is. You can tell where his priorities lie. And he still is the same person, in a way, in all the right ways. It didn't make him less funny or less fun or anything like that. It made him better in every sense.

I am so proud. And so happy. Sobriety has made him truly seek and know who Christ is. We have more conversations than I've had with most people about God and his purposes and our purposes in God's plan. He has it all. I think he trusts Christ a lot more than some people I know who have claimed to trust Christ for years. At least his life and attitude show it.

This has been prayed for by his family members for years... and I think it is the perfect testament to others to prove that prayer works, and that God does listen, and He CAN change people - note - I said HE can change people in this way, WE DON'T change them. I do believe the individual person has to come to the point or decision where they are willing to give something up in order to make this change - and once they make the decision, then God is there all the way. The verse that says, "Raise up a child in the way he should go, and he shall not depart from it," or something like that - it is true. They will come back to Christ. That gives me hope for others that I've known that are in a place like this person was. I believe that God can and wants to bring all of His children back to Him. So, given God's timing and good purpose, they will come back to Him. I believe it.

you can change your mind

A quick blog to say that... one of the biggest things that keeps me excited about life (besides just everything about God and how he completes my life) is the fact that I am not confined to anything. Nothing says that I can't change my mind and have a new career. Nothing says that I can't move to wherever I want to move. At any point in time.

Now, do I need to be responsible about these choices? YES! Personally, for me, I have a lot of things that I want to pay off (hence one of the previous blogs about debt elimination). So, yes, I want to take care of that before I make any changes, if I decide to make them. But, that is completely in my control. I can make that decision, conquer that goal, and choose to take a new path in life.

That, to me, makes life so interesting and open and unpredictable. I love it.

The one thing that I have not figured out is if I would still have this freedom to change if I were married. And maybe that is a good reason I am not married yet. Two people are involved in marriage (unless you are on Big Love), and one person doesn't just decide to jump up and move without considering the other person's desires (well, not if you love each other, that is).

I could be in trouble one day - this is the thing that makes me nervous about that kind of life-commitment. All I know is that if that time ever comes - I'd better either be very settled in where I am, or I'd better wait for someone who is just as open to 'change' as I am.

Right now, and hopefully always, I am open and excited to see life unfold... and hopefully will enjoy all the steps to every new chapter.

Loving the chapter I'm in right now... if it were a movie, I feel like I'm at the beginning of my 'montage.' :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

a (busy) day in the life...

Look at this - a THIRD post in one week... :)

I just thought I'd talk a little bit about work today. Today was such a busy day, and I love these days the best. I always feel a little guilty saying that, seeing as how I work in a hospital - and a busy day for me means that people are sick or in pain or having to have surgery or procedures... not good!

Anyway, on with the day. I work in the Burn Clinic in the mornings, and lately there have not been so many kids. However, today made up for the entire week! I think the most interesting thing I saw today was a little girl having her head scanned so that a mask can be made for her. This mask is used to cover the burn scars on her face. Putting pressure on those scars with a mask help to keep the scars from building up and becoming thick. Anyway, the process was so unique and interesting. The PT (side note: I love the girls in PT that I get to work with - they always let observe new things they are doing and let me know when there are kids that could use help , too!) Anyway, they have this computer attached to a scanner - the scanner looks just like one in a store. She scans the person's face all over, and the person's image appears on the screen in 3D (4D?). She did this a few times to make sure that a good complete picture was made. Then she sends all of those scans in to a company that makes the mold for the mask. When it comes back to the hospital here, they can melt plastic over the mold and fit the mask to the person's face. Technology is crazy! (And expensive, by the way)
Well, the little patient today did SO WELL. She held so still and I think she even liked it :) When she first came into the clinic, she was scared and didn't want anyone to come near her, because she knows exactly what kinds of things happen in the clinic (dressing changes, blood pressure, things that 3 year olds don't like). But, we showed her exactly what the scanner did, and she thought it was pretty neat. She was so cute.

There were many other patients in the clinic which kept me pretty busy. One child had an MRSA abscess. Usually, people with these will have surgery, so the infection is removed from inside and then packed with medicine (this paper-like medicine that literally is packed into the wound). Then they come back to have the dressing changed and the medicine taken out, and then the wound has to be re-packed with medicine until it is healed. This patient is great - talkative and a good personality... did great with her surgery. She freaked out, though, when it came time to re-pack the wound - it really freaked her out that the medicine had to go inside a little bit - and WHO CAN BLAME HER - that freaks me out thinking about it! Anyway, finally the nurse said that she could do it herself if she wanted - so she did! All it took was her having a little control over her situation, and she actually packed her own wound! (It didn't have to go far in at all, just so you know... it's not like she was shoving anything into a big open wound ;).

So... after the clinic busy-ness... then comes the scariest part of the day. While walking down one of the hallways, I hear this man yelling so loud. Then, I see a woman walking very quickly away from the man. He's yelling at her to come back and walking toward her. I have no clue what it was about, but that man was so mad... like so angry it makes you nervous to be around, and it gives me chill bumps. I hate when people get that angry - it's so scary - you just wonder what they are going to do. Anyway, I had to walk past him to get to where I was going, and the whole time I'm just thinking 'Please don't swing at me, please don't hit me." I think he was blind (he had these shades on), so I was scared he would hear my footsteps and think I was the woman and then he'd hit me. BUT he didn't :) So... security was called, and I guess that was taken care of. When I see stuff like that, I'm reminded of just how different some people's lives are. I can't imagine being as angry as that man - and I can't imagine being the person he is mad at... that has to be scary. I always wonder what people's lives are like when they are in their homes, away from public... makes me sad.

So, after that, I was planning to meet another one of the PT girls to work with one particular little patient that has been in the hospital almost as long as I've been there. I can't give any details of the patient, but this child is so special and is going through unimaginable life circumstances at such a young age. I feel constantly challenged at trying to 'reach' this child and to help her have a little normalcy in the hospital. For weeks, I've been trying to think of different ways we can 'play'... this child's mobility is extremely limited, so ya gotta get creative. Anyway, I made this Memory game that we can play together. Actually the game company made the game - ha - I just adapted it to be able to play on a stand-up board. Put velcro on the pieces and cover up a big wooden screen with felt, and you have a stand-up memory game! We played that while he was having PT, and honestly, she did not seem very interested - but then again, lately he has not been responding back much to us at all. Usually, she shakes or nods her head to respond, but I think he has been agitated lately... so I've seen lots more "NO" shakes than head nods lately! Anyway - after PT, I stayed around to play some more, and I figured she just wanted to watch movies as usual. As soon as I took the game down, he got upset, so I put it back up and asked if she wanted to play - and he nodded! Woohoo - she likes it! I know that sounds so trivial - but I was just so excited that she actually found something he liked besides a movie! She actually likes to be read to, too, but we've done so much of that - I think he really needs something new and different. So... I think now that I have that board set up, we could probably adapt a lot of other things to do with it... so we'll see :)

All in all, it was such a productive day at work! Those don't happen every day, but it is so rejuvenating when they do. Even on these days, I still feel like I'm a slacker... I still didn't see all the kids upstairs, and I want to start working with kids in the OR more - prep them for surgery, check in while they are waiting... but something is just keeping me from diving in full force there. Today was too busy with the clinic and the other patients, and I wouldn't have made it to the OR anyway - but hopefully I'll start feeling more comfortable in all areas of the hospital and be able to do more there.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


A friend of mine told me that she never looks at my blog because I never post anything new, and when I finally do, it is 3 miles long. HAHA. And that is so true :) So, in an effort to blog more, I'm just gonna write something today, and that will make twice in one week! How's that, Katie?

I will just say how much I LOVE Fall, and how ready I am for it! Here are some reasons I love it so much:

1. It's cooler.
2. The leaves are pretty.
3. Windy.
4. Everything smells better in Fall.
5. Halloween AND Thanksgiving, and the beginning of Christmas season.
6. Christmas music, everywhere.
7. A happy feeling that comes from I don't know where... just happy because it's Fall.
8. Festivals outside. And the weather during the festivals.
9. Wearing jeans and long sleeve shirts and feeling great without having to bundle up too much, but not feeling hot either.
10. All the decorations in the stores.
11. I just think of 'family' when I think of Fall, probably because of the holidays.
12. Cinnamon and Pumpkin spice
13. I'm more likely to exercise in Fall.
14. Hiking is appealing. Notice I did not say that I do it... but I'd like to, and Fall is the perfect time to start :)
15. Charlie Brown Specials

I'm sure there are many many more :) I've already started to feel the cooler weather in the mornings and at night - yay, it's coming!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My mind seems to move at 100mph pretty regularly. It is not that I am not satisfied where I am right now... but I am always looking forward to what might be next.

Lately, on my mind constantly is missions. I have thought about it for so many years, but I have not done much about it. I don't know why. It does seem kind of daunting. Even the act of going on a week-long mission trip requires raising the money to do it. And, I have enough money issues as it is. The thought of raising support for long-term missions just seems impossible... and unappealing! It's not, of course, but I think my pride is too human to feel good about raising money. I think I would rather find a way to work for it... though that may take years!

But, that should never stop me from going. I think I'm probably mostly just scared. It is a big commitment.

Anyway - it's not like I'm going right now or any time very soon... who knows. I just think about it a lot.

But, in order to prepare myself for my next step - whether that means missions far away, or something more local - I am going to make some changes.

For one - I have had a debt building up since I moved back from Charleston - because I was in between jobs and still having a house payment (bad combination). So, my goal right now is: OPERATION DEBT ELIMINATION. It's not an insane amount, but it's way more than I'd ever like to have (which is zero).

So, I'm thinking of different ways to work toward this goal. That begins with spending less (duh). I have spent so much time and money lately on travel and fun... so NO MORE FUN! Just kidding :) But, I am going to get my priorities in line and cut down on the 'fun' money and time, and focus on using my time to earn money to pay off everything. That might mean a night/weekend part-time job, or teaching piano on the side, or finding a way to play piano at weddings and stuff like that, housesitting - whatever!

After I pay it off, then I plan on earning money so I can hopefully find a trip to Africa to take... and THEN we will see where that leads.

So here goes... :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Simple Saturday

There was nothing out of the ordinary about today. I think that is what made it so great. For once, I stayed in Augusta this weekend. And, I slept in this morning. I read a little, listened to some new slow music, took my time getting ready and actually blow dried my hair. I met a friend for lunch and saw a movie (Eat, Pray, Love) with other friends. I went to the store and made homemade guacamole while listening to music, and then headed out to a friend's engagement party. It was actually pretty full, I guess... but it was just so nice to let the day just happen. Nothing was really planned, except for the party, of course. I love days like this. I also do love going out of town, but I do it so much that I really look forward to weekends with nothing planned.

I also LOOOVE living back in my house. I think I've realized that I love big social time just as much as I love personal, quiet time. And, I can't believe it, but I really love cooking and having good music on in the background.

New things I'm discovering all the time. :) I think there is definitely something to be said about simplicity. My life seems so far from it, as far as my schedule goes, anyway. But, it really is the slow, quiet things that sometimes feel so good.

As far as stuff, actual material things, goes... I have been working on simplicity for a while now. Maybe it started when I moved to Charleston and then started changing residencies every 6 months... out of a need to downsize and make moving easier. And maybe it magnified after reading a little Francis Chan. But, I long to be more simple. To have the things in life I actually need, and less of the things that are just 'extra.' That was easier when I was not living in my house. Now that I have moved back in, it's a bigger challenge to not want to accumulate just stuff to 'fill the spaces' or decorate. But, I feel like it's going pretty well, so far.

I want to appreciate life, and I want to experience life outside of my own. I don't want to be wasteful and get wrapped up in things that don't matter. I want there to be a purpose behind everything, and I don't EVER want to just exist. (This is getting a little deeper than I intended, ha). I don't want to miss learning or miss out on something I should have seen or done because I was so busy filling in my 'quiet time' with stuff and activity.

So... simplicity is my ongoing goal.